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2023 Awards & AGM 19th November

2023 Awards & AGM 19th November

Steve Jinman29 Oct 2023 - 20:27
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The 2023 senior awards will be presented ahead of the AGM on Sunday 19th November.

The event will start in the pavilion at 11:30 with the presentation of the clubs' senior awards for the 2023 season. These will be a mixture of awards made by the captains and executive committee, and those voted for by members.
The AGM will then follow to coincide with the interval of the 2023 World Cup Final. All full members may vote and stand for election for any of the posts at the club. A formal agenda with a full list of the current postholders will be circulated by club secretary Charles Berger in early November. Anyone interested in standing for a post is welcome to contact the executive committee if they have any questions about the role.
Once the AGM is finished, everyone is welcome to stay and watch the second innings of the World Cup Final.
Further reading